Welcome to Rossett Community Council's Website - Croeso i Wefan Cyngor Cymuned Yr Orsedd

Latest News - Please visit our noticeboard for updates

All Agendas and Minutes can be found under the Meetings & Minutes Tab

Audit Notice - please visit the notice board for more details. 

Community Speed Watch Scheme - please visit the notice board


To view the Rossett Flood Plan please click link. (2023)


Thank you for visiting our website. It has been designed by Rossett Community Council to provide details and information about the Community Council and its activities.

In order for the Community Council to be responsive to the needs and wishes of members of the community we rely on your communication and involvement. We welcome your views on the website's content and the services of the Council.

Diolch i chi am ymweld â'n gwefan . Mae wedi cael ei gynllunio gan Gyngor Cymuned Yr Orsedd i roi manylion a gwybodaeth am y Cyngor Cymuned a'i gweithgareddau.

Er mwyn i'r Cyngor Cymuned i fod yn ymatebol i anghenion a dymuniadau aelodau o'r gymuned rydym yn dibynnu ar eich cyfathrebu a chyfranogiad . Rydym yn croesawu eich sylwadau ar y cynnwys y wefan a'r gwasanaethau y Cyngor.

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