Welcome to Rossett Community Council's Website - Croeso i Wefan Cyngor Cymuned Yr Orsedd

Latest News - Please visit our noticeboard for updates

Rossett Focus Group

Rossett Focus Group are trying to raise £30,000 to fund a High Court challenge to the Council for allowing an unsound layout, flood and road safety risks to 132 new houses.

They are underway with fundraising and are asking for donations to support the cause. These can be made by using the JustGiving Crowdfunding Page:


Thanking you in advance for your support.


Hwb Yr Orsedd Latest Designs, see the notice board.

The planning application for the creation of the community hub have now been resubmitted so we now ask that you take a couple of minutes to submit your views through the official channel.  The link for the application is:

There is limited time to submit your views, so please complete asap.


Audit Notice - please visit the notice board for more details. 

Covid 19 - please visit the notice board for more details.

Community Speed Watch Scheme - please visit the notice board


Place Plan - Rossett Community Council are looking to develop a place plan.  Please see the noticeboard page for more details on what a place plan is and the survey. 

Volunteers required for Community Hub project - please see the notice board 

Community Consultation Notification - Following the residents Meeting to discuss the proposed sites for development within WCBC's Local Development Plan please visit the noticeboard to view presentation and synopsis. 

To view the presentation used at the Open Event for the Community Hub please get here

Community Consultation Meeting regarding the proposed development of the old golf course  - to view the display boards presented at the meeting get here 

Please see the Noticeboard for current developments regarding a Post Office service.

Please check out the Noticeboard page for Police advice re keeping your homes safe.  

To view the Rossett Flood Plan please click link. (2023)


Thank you for visiting our website. It has been designed by Rossett Community Council to provide details and information about the Community Council and its activities.

In order for the Community Council to be responsive to the needs and wishes of members of the community we rely on your communication and involvement. We welcome your views on the website's content and the services of the Council.

Diolch i chi am ymweld â'n gwefan . Mae wedi cael ei gynllunio gan Gyngor Cymuned Yr Orsedd i roi manylion a gwybodaeth am y Cyngor Cymuned a'i gweithgareddau.

Er mwyn i'r Cyngor Cymuned i fod yn ymatebol i anghenion a dymuniadau aelodau o'r gymuned rydym yn dibynnu ar eich cyfathrebu a chyfranogiad . Rydym yn croesawu eich sylwadau ar y cynnwys y wefan a'r gwasanaethau y Cyngor.