Rossett Community Council Noticeboard

(Information last updated on 16th June 2024 by Joni Rusling, Clerk) 

Audit Notice

Click here to view the audit notice 2024

 Are you interested in allotments?

We are looking into a project in creating some allotments in Rossett. We would love to hear from you if you would be interested in a plot. If so, please contact us on 01244 571706, leave your name and telephone number and we can get back to you with more information. Please note this will be on a first come, first served basis.  

Hwb Yr Orsedd - The planning application for the creation of the community hub have now been accepted.  Updates will posted as the project gets under way. For the latest designs of the proposed redevelopment of the toilet block please click here



The following FAQ's have been produced as a result of questions asked in relation to the proposed development - click here 

Audit Notice

Please find the Audit Notice for financial year ending 31 March 2022 click here


Publication of audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021

Regulation 15(5) of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 (as amended) requires that by 30 September 2021, Rossett Community Council publish its accounting statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 together with any certificate, opinion, or report issued, given or made by the Auditor General.

The accounting statements in the form of an annual return have been published on the Council’s website. However, the accounts are published before the conclusion of the audit. Due to the impact of COVID-19, the Auditor General has not yet issued an audit opinion. 


If you would like to speak to us, or want to ask for help, please call, text or email and let’s see how we can help.



If you would like to support the community you can join the 

Rossett Community Volunteer Facebook Page or email


07421 138913





Place Plan

The Community are keen to develop a Place Plan for our Ward, attached is a short video on what a Place Plan is and how you can get involved (  At this stage the Committee organising this are keen to receive local feedback so would ask that you complete the attached survey -  Many thanks.


Outreach Post Office - Available every Friday 10.30 - 12.30 

Since the closure of the Spar in Rossett the Post Office have been seeking to re-establish a service within retail premises. So far none of the current retailers wish to take on this service so Rossett has been without a valuable resource. Rossett Community Council have been working with the Post Office who offer an ‘outreach’ service. These are predominately placed in very rural areas which have no local access to a Post Office. Whilst Rossett doesn’t fall into that category the Post Office have agreed to offer a service for 2 hours a week operating from the meeting room at the Presbyterian Church on Station Road (a couple of doors away from the old Post Office). They will offer similar services to those available at Gresford . The Presbyterian will attempt to offer refreshments during the opening hours.  We hope this service will be well used which may allow us to request additional hours. The provision of this service will not dilute the attempts to progress a more accessible service for all.

Public Spaces Order applicable to all dog owners - Do you own a dog?  If so you need to be aware of the Public Spaces Order has now been passed relevant to ALL dog owners. get here  to view the Order.

Speeding in the village is an issue and we are asking residents to check their speed and keep our roads safe and accident free.   Stats  

We have a potential Speed Watch Scheme that we would like to put in place but we need your help! Click Here

To view the Rossett Flood Plan please click link.